Running a Node

Running a Noble node

Download latest release

Latest chain release binaries can be found here (opens in a new tab)

Build and install to go bin path

If you would like to build from source instead of using the release binary, you can compile and install the binary.

go (opens in a new tab) will be needed for this install

make install

Initialize config

Come up with a moniker for your node, then run:

nobled init $MONIKER

Download genesis file

Download the genesis.json file for the network you are joining and place it in the ~/.noble/config directory

Restore snapshot

If you would like to sync from genesis, start with the genesis binary version of the chain and skip this step. Note, this can take many hours to days to sync, and you will need to apply the upgrades as the node reaches the upgrade heights. The upgrade heights are listed in this table.

Polkachu (opens in a new tab) provides node snapshots which can be used to get in sync with the network quickly, allowing you to start with the latest chain binary version.

Launch node

nobled start

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